ATPBot is a unique piece of software

requiring no programming skills

  • Automatically generates strategies
  • Backtests strategies
  • Optimizes strategies
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A screen displaying a strategy dashboard.
Build an unlimited number of strategies using AI learning
To avoid trading bots being deeply targeted by market
Artificial intelligence makes you 3,000 times faster
Meet the needs of thousands of users
Validate edges and prevent overfitting
Run automated robustness tests to reduce the risk of curve fitting

advantage of Machine algorithm

Re-imagine the build process 
to automatically apply advanced techniques such as Monte Carlo simulation, forward optimization/matrix, system parameter alignment, optimization profile, hypothesis simulation, etc.
High-quality data modeling and filtering capabilities 
that combine AI and computing power in the best way possible. Developed for any market and time frame, computes and executes for different digital currency markets.

Advantage of trading model

It combines and validates millions of different entry and exit conditions, order types, and price levels
to find the best-performing strategy based on your selection criteria - such as net profits, returns to losses, Sharpe ratios, and so on.
Strategy Modeling Supports All Standard Technical Indicators
The strategy modeling team are all senior digital currency traders
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